Incorporation of internal state variables and plastically-induced anisotropy into a constitutive model involving scalar, conjugate, stress/strain base pairs. European Journal of Mechanics A/ Solids (2024).
Paudel, S., Paul, S., ​A note on the derivation of quotient rules and their use in QR kinematics. Acta Mechanica (2023).
Paul, S., Freed, A. D., Szabó, On the use of QR kinematics in studying the Eshelby energy–momentum tensor. International Journal of Solids and Structures. 255, 111854 (2022).
Paul, S., Freed, A. D., A constitutive model for elastic-plastic materials using scalar conjugate stress/strain base pairs. Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids. 155, 104535 (2021).
Zamani, S., Paul, S., Kotiya, A. A., Criscione, J. C., Freed, A. D., Application of QR framework in modeling the constitutive behavior of porcine coronary sinus tissue. Mechanics of Soft Materials. 3, 7 (2021).
Paul, S., Freed, A. D., Benjamin C. C., Application of the Gram-Schmidt factorization of the deformation gradient to a cone and plate rheometer. Physics of Fluids. 33(1), 017113 (2021). (selected as a cover article)
Paul, S., Freed, A. D., Clayton J. D., Coordinate indexing: On the use of Lagrangian and Eulerian Laplace stretches. Applications in Engineering Science. 5, 100029 (2021).
Paul, S., Freed, A. D., Characterizing geometrically necessary dislocations using an elastic-plastic decomposition of the Laplace stretch. Zeitschrift fur Angewandte Mathematik und Physik. 71(6), 196 (2020).
Paul, S., Freed, A. D., A simple and practical representation of compatibility condition derived using a QR decomposition of the deformation gradient. Acta Mechanica, 231(8), 3289–3304 (2020).
Paul, S., Freed, A. D. and Benjamin, C. C. (2022). Application of the Gram–Schmidt factorization of the deformation gradient to a cone and plate rheometer. 19th US National Congress on Theoretical and Applied Mechanics. Place: Austin, Texas
Freed, A. D., Zamani S., Paul, S., Clayton, J. D., A dodecahedral model for alveoli. ARL-TR-9148 (2021) (U.S. Army research lab report).
Sujan Paudel (M.Tech., 2023): Use of QR kinematics in rheometry